
frankfurt germany @ nordisk club


day 9 of 9 shows.
train from brugge to brussels then driven by peter to brussels airport – then flight (more overweight chrges) to frankfurt – we haven’t really eaten today…jusst crazy traveling on train, car, and plane – with all this luggage (13pcs in all) we are really draggin…show is at a big theatre space – sound is loud and hollow like a hockey rink – so it is a hard one tonite plus a strange vibe as the 500 or 600 people kind of do their own thing during the performance – talking in groups, smoking, walking around, etc…a bit distracting for ursula – during what a woman must do the loudness of talking was crazy…but again the people loved it anyway…we do 2 encores…a day off tomorrow finally…we will sleep deep deep deep deeeeeepppppp…..

