
graz, austria at ppc


grand hotel rm 205

flights here were good…lufthanza lost my flight case though for a few hours…but it all finally worked out…show is presented by vipers where we played w 2 years agó…our first show of this tour adding Gintis Janusonus on drum kit and percussion…this new trio has immediate chemistry and we are already making wonderful music…tonites show was plagued with monitoring problems for us…but the audience loved the show and danced all night…a good first show for us…afterwards nightcap at volker sernitz new restaurant where we viewed the ursula rucker supa sister world tour 2001 dvd that he produced. it is a beautiful document of that tour and hopefully will be released at some time in 2004.
tomorrow a flight to mannheim for a show for the enjoy jazz festival…more to come….

photo of gintus janusonis, ursula rucker, tim motzer
courtesy of katja ruge @ www.plasticodia.com

