
paris-the riot-foundation cartier


hotel dela paix room 31
airport is smooth. air france allows us no hassle, no overage fees–so we are happy! flight is good into paris.  upon arrival ursula and gintas bags are missing — will arrive in the evening they say.  greeted by charlotte from foundation cartier — todondori yokoo exhibit is there in the room we will play–drop gear there and check into hotel. gintas and i go out to find internet cafe and lunch…as we round a corner we are headlong into protestors running directly towards us…we literally dive thru a cafe door as they swarmed by us breaking windows and smashing things…including this cafe’s massive window…smashed by flying chair. mayhem. riot police with full riot gear and shields come running from all directions to disperse rioters…it calms down eventually after 15 minutes or so…we watch the crowds marching…teargas canisters…crazy scene…back to hotel, and off to cartier for soundcheck.  crew not together here at all.  we are worn out, and wait for them forever it seems.we are rushed to get back to gig after soundcheck…a quick change…and back. it’s sold out…line down the street. nice audience but inadequate soundsystem here. a disappointment, but we persevere.they love it — urse has an exceptional show–especially running on no sleep or food–only interviews.  at the stage after 3rd encore, alex kidd is with us, and helene from les nubians (big hugs) with rossy de palma (director pedro almodovar’s muse) says i am ‘a magician, not a musician…the sounds you have from the guitar are magic…”  also, meet daniel (apollo heights) who is recording an album with robin guthrie (cocteau twins) producing…we wind down with champagne.  head to catering for ‘dinner’…then back to hotel. gintas and i go out for a nite cap…we find a small pub that serves chimay, so i’m happy…a nice vibe and a dancing girl. what more could you ask for.
this day was packed with adventure, art, and culture. now sleep.

