kurt rosenwinkel sessions…
photos from bushwick sessions January 14th, 2009 and nautica sessions Philly December 30th, 2008
kurt rosenwinkel, gintas janusonis, and tim motzer
after meeting in Zurich Switzerland in 2007—we vowed to have a play—and it finally happened
this december/january. it was quite staggering the chemistry, communication and the language
we all shared. we’ve had two amazing sessions that yielded 6 hours of mind blowing music.
(boxset anyone?) we’re looking forward to playing live sometime later this year. stay tuned.
kurt rosenwinkel – guitar, pedals, loops
tim motzer – baritone guitar, synth guitar, acoustic guitar, pedals, loops
gintas janusonis – traps, percussion, circuit bent thingeys
all photos: tim motzer