
global illage @ tritone, philadelphia


weather is still cold and rainy…seems like the last
four shows at tritone have been this way…tonite,
started late 11:15…played two sets ending at
1:40am…nice audience here as well…we travelled
to some interesting musical territories ala – sonic youth, billfrisell, africa, reggae, metal, free jazz,
asia, out swing…kind of free associations happening…another enjoyable global illage session….really great playing with chris, dan, phil,and jim…what a band…we’ve got quite a special chemistry…i’ve come to really look forward to our
performances…and don’t take them for granted.
this is as real as music can get, when it decides
to show up…hopefully, we’ll be getting some more music out on CD soon for some of our listeners
out there…………….of course, hopdevils fueled the evening.

