
dino j.a. deane arrives



march 15

after airport shuttle action, dino has arrived to fishtown manor aka 1k world hqtrs. after an amazing dinner at kraftwork, we gravitate toward the studio to discuss our setups for our upcoming radio and live performances. it’s very detailed and designed right down to the idea of both using small amplifiers for our rigs rather than go direct. for dino’s rig he’s using a fender mustang 1 (an impressive modeling amp) and my john martin RCA tube amp 10 watt class A.  i am using my beloved fender vibrochamp. we also detail a flow for recording our shows multitrack, stereo, and to get a feed to FOH. afterwards, our first time playing and recording is an amazing 50 minute dialogue. we share a language that borders on soundscape, orchestral, gamelon, africa, and noise. our recording sounds wonderful.

