
UR – MACLA, San Jose,CA


art MACLA san jose

United Airlines 8am (est)
flying to chicago then on to San Jose.
not much sleep last night so pretty exhausted

1am(pst) 7 hours later:
arrived to San Jose airport greeted by K.
both Urse + I are kinda ill and i’m fatigued
from lack of sleep. dropped gear at the macla
venue and on to have lunch with Flo Brown, Urse,
and Macla crew at a thai spot. soundcheck is scheduled at 4pm so gonna go try to sleep for
an hour.

ramada room 214
one hour of deep delirious sleep.
arrive at soundcheck but no sound here yet,
so back to hotel. they will call when ready for us.

two hours of unconsciousness. then
a call for us to come down. when we get there
sound is still not ready…so we drove to a cafe for
some expresso to try to wake up…i’m really spaced.
cafe server talking about books by hermann hesse
and frank herbert. back to venue. so set up gear
and finished while doors are opening…no sound check for us…just line check…

really great west coast poets here tonite…i haven’t
heard much originality lately in this area…our show
was on at midnight…it was really good to play after
waiting around all day…set: inspiration, get ready,
philly child, four minutes of fun, keep falling, song for billy, what a woman must do…
macla is an amazing organization of creative individuals; the gallery was incredible. if you are
in san jose be sure to look up this place…lots of
live performances and fantastic message laden local art…
i will try to post some in the galleries soon.

back to hotel ramada for a few hours sleep before
7 hour flight back to philly at 7:54am…gonna be burnt tomorrow but that’s rock n roll 4 ya.

