
philly september 18


it’s been busy the last few weeks working the studio and feeling the summer turn to fall…an interesting show with ursula rucker in pittsburgh at the shadow lounge….great people there…mostly….some craziness happened, but all is good…stayed at dr. smalls…an amazing venue owned by members of rusted root….pburg an interesting city…unfortunately didn’t get to go to the warhol museum but will next time……sessions: most recently tracked guitars on more remixes with king britt
the ojays-for the love of money…so hot…and the first remix of all time for philadelphia international records…home of gamble and huff…look for this!!!!
also…some spanish flavoured guitar for the plantlife
scuba remix…gotta check this…the fringe fest held my attention all week…an amazing gathering of artists and an impromptu performance friday night with dancer danielle strawmyer….an improvisation
for guitar/loops + dance on the notion of dreams…it came off quite well…i enjoyed this kind of collaboration….you get to a different kind of music as a result….lastly, a major gathering of wonderful musicians to honour the spirit of john coltrane coming up this thursday september 23rd at the Tritone in Philadelphia…..9pm….byard lancaster +
(elliot levin, tim motzer, barry meehan, mark boyce, john shenk)+byard lancaster with robert kenyatta, harold smith, elliot levin…both groups will play together 3rd set….can’t wait!

