
philly february 7th


in the 1kstudio: been working a daily routine of coffee and guitar tracks for friedman + liebezeit project…deep in as they say…but, have been having some interesting results…as the days have been going on i’m relaxing into the trax more and starting to take more chances letting things fly spontaneously fully allowing accidents to happen. when this happens i’m finding my way…and my mind is shut off…better art is coming…sonically i’ve been finding some interesting glitch architectures, afrofunk smears, lapsteel clouds, and fuzz ambiences….so far each track has 3-4 takes of interlocking guitar parts or not as the case may be…so a take can function as it’s own piece by itself or in tandem with other guitar parts…..as far as what happens with the material when it reaches germany is another matter all together and i’m just hoping there’s lots of dope and fuel to ignite burnt’s imaginations even more…so, hopefully it’ll be some stuff he’ll find on the vibe…so on with more tracks tomorrow…then the compiling begins…fingers crossed and more to come…suffice to say, i’ve really been enjoying this project and process.

