
philly 1kstudio july-aug2004


it’s been both hot humid and wet wet wet = flooding conditions in philadelphia…what gives with all this moisture? anyway…my studio did indeed take water from overstressed sewer drains and a week later a blown hotwater heater, but happy to report things are back on schedule….projects, projects, projects::: lots on the recording plate at the
moment…finished some hot remixes with king britt that will be released soon: george duke’s tzania which i was enthralled to play two tracks of acoustic and bwds electric guitar…check it out soon…yesterday completed tracking for the curtis mayfield reworking of little child running wild from superfly…5 tracks of guitar parts to be sent to king britt for some scuba-fying….gonna be a great one for the headphones,,,,next up some more collabs with music friends from overseas, and continuing on
many of my own songs and compositions….if you’re around philly in august and are a dancer…check out
susan hess dance co on 2030sansom street. i’ll be accompanying these master classes mon-friday until
september3rd with polish choreographer jacek luminski…..lastly, the burnt friedman + jaki leibezeit album that i tracked guitars on should be mixed this month in cologne germany at nonplace…and japan vocalist david sylvian has contributed to the album as well…it’s becoming a monster of a group…more news to come on this exciting project and collaboration….liveperformances: aug25thphilly, i’ll be joining fractal ark at silk city, sept 5th w/ ursula rucker at bumbershoot festival in seattle, and sept11 in pittsburgh pa….more to come…..

