
le botonique – brussels, belgium


peter from jazztronaut picked us up at the train…a really beautiful train ride in….back in brussels…what a picturesque city…walkaround a bit…the venue tonite is in the round with magnificent sound…wow!
my kind of place…haha…show was really good as well, but paris better somehow i think, or just different…sound was exceptional here….aftershow sold alot of nuculture cds + autografs…etc…great people here….just wonderful. yep. i really love brussels…jp kalonji (unbelievable artist/cartoonist/painter) was here and we reunited after initially meeting in montreux switzerland a few years ago…
he showed me his recent sketch book of his travels in africa!!!!!! nice hang tonite…in search of belgium brews…leffes and chimays it is! topped off with belgium fries and chocolates…ouch! stayed up until 4:30am until we had to leave for airport to fly to lisbon…slept on the plane…connection in oporto…

