
jacobshof, Aachen, Germany


after a crazy day traveling to warsaw airport…ahhh…mixed up messages as to what terminal we were in…finally, then wait, wait, wait…then off to cologne:::a flight in….picked up by car and driven about 2 hours? to Aachen (a small little college town-beautiful)…but there will be no time to check it out …we travel all day…after checking into hotel we go immediately to club aat 7:30….show’s at 9pm…so we have NO TIME FOR ANYTHING! and we’re tired as hell….damn….(and sick, cough)…..actually we’re exhausted…no food. no shower. no change of clothes. i’m feeling badddddd.
after soundcheck crwd comes in…and then we start…fucking sound is horrible…but we continue…the show is nice and intimate…we connect…audience loved it…..
afterwards: food! soup!!chicken+potatoes+biers!!!!
really helps me feel so much better….now to SLEEP

